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BLOG OF CryptidzTruth3452

Thiz iz my blog, where the truth iz in Maycaster. The truth about the Maycaster cryptid! I know, for zure, it'z real. I juzt need to find a picture, to take a picture! You'll all zee it'z real, juzt az you are! Outzide of thiz, I alzo love Undertale. I love the gamez themez and mezzaging about your choicez mattering. Zomething elze I alzo enjoy iz the theoriez ppl come up with in the fandom. My favorite iz the theory that Gazter and the zkelebroz r related. Pleaze make urzelf at home at my blog, az i zhow the truth!

They/Them Non-Binary
Likez: Blue, Undertale, theoriez, older internet ztuff, zweet and zour foodz, polyezter fabric
Dizlikez: Denierz of the Maycaster cryptid, zherpa fabric, zpicy foodz, zwimming, juzt being in water ig (zhowering ad rain are fine though)
Liked muzic: Undertale zoundtrack, nightcore, Lemon Demon
I'm online mozt of the time. Though I probably won't get back to you becauze I'm on Dizcord. Check it out itz a chatroom zite!! :P

Recently there'z been zightingz of a ziren in the waterz of the town i go to college at. Mozt people have been writing it off az a zhark, or fizh, but I and a few otherz think it'z exactly what it zeemz. There IZ a ziren here! They're real, I know it! There'z no way it wazn't, if you look at the tail clozely enough. I alzo believe it'z not juzt a zhark or fizh due to it never being able to be found! Every time people try to look for this "fizh" it'z never there, dezpite it'z diztinct look. A part of me wantz to think that the ziren doezn't just exizt, but that it alzo livez in our city! How could it ezcape zo fazt? It could if it could tranzform into a human Eventually, I'll find enough proof and zhow them that the ziren iz real!!

Zadly, right now, I juzt live with my cool roommatez and I haven't found any evidence juzt yet. But I will! I know I will, because I know what I zaw! I hope you all believe me too. Peaze out! C: